Hi, I’m Rebecca Kaur

Award winning poet, fantasy author, mother, wife and all round Geek-er-ella!

Rebecca was born in 1987 in the West Midlands, United Kingdom. As a child she enjoyed visiting her aunt’s house during the summer holidays and riding her bike up and down the street. She would get lost in the thoughts of having magical powers and often would pretend she could control things with her mind.

Her love of fantasy started with folk tales of Baba Yaga and stories that ended happily but had a chill to them. She would watch and read many stories about rabbits and other woodland creatures finding solace in the tales.

Her introduction into fantasy came when she read Brog the Stoop by Joe Boyle. This started a huge love of other-worldly stories and eventually led to Rebecca expanding her reading horizons.

Her love of Blade Runner has also stemmed from this and Rebecca will happily engage in a lengthy conversation about how this (in her opinion) is the greatest Science Fiction movie ever created.

For more information on Rebecca’s current work in progress or where to purchase Celestial Bodies visit the Books page and Blog.

My writing

It all begins with an idea. Maybe it comes from watching people ion the coffee shop. Maybe it is laced between the pages of your favourite book. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Celestial Bodies

My first published book of poems, Celestial Bodies, is a collection of poetry which celebrates the mysteries of life, understanding ones self and the magic of divine feminism.




I am of Punjabi heritage and write mostly fantasy. Currently I am working on a collection of short stories and a three book fantasy story based on South Asian lore